are you interested in
your family history?
I’m Jemima Buoy and I have been researching my own and my husband’s family history for over 20 years as a hobby and as a genealogy researcher. I am fascinated with our British surnames, particularly our unusual & rare surname - Buoy. I also love the paleography (handwriting) that comes with researching.
On 7th September 2009 I set up Ardenholme Genealogy so that I could use my hobby & experience to research for you. This new-look website celebrates my 12th anniversary of the business.
I research in any area of genealogy/family history for your ancestors. Have a look around my website to see what I do.

Where I go to research for you:
Archive centres in every county in England & Wales
All London boroughs’ record offices
The National Archives at Kew, London
​The London Metropolitan Archives at Islington, London
The ScotlandsPeople Centre in Edinburgh
The National Library in Wales in Aberystwyth
Internet search using subscribed genealogy web sites so that you don't have to!
What I use to research:
Your own information (this forms the basis of my research so please provide all that you know)
1841 - 1911 UK Census Returns, plus the 1939 National Register
Parish Registers -Christenings, Marriages & Burials - 1538 to date (where available)
GRO Index of Births, Marriages and Deaths - 1837 to date (requires purchasing certificates if an entry is found)
Probate: Wills & Administrations of Letters
Electoral Rolls & Trade Directories
Maps & Newspapers
Churches, Churchyards and Cemeteries
Photographs of gravestones
Military records
School Attendance Books, various Education records
And many more... plus overseas records including United States of America & Australia/New Zealand where online records allow